People have many questions about our service, which is why we compiled the questions we always hear and provided answers to them here. Please review our FAQS, if you still have a question after reviewing our FAQs, then we encourage you to contact us.
Is there a cost for candidates?
No. All services are free for candidates.
What kind of positions do you offer?
We fill all positions related to construction.
What are payment rates?
Every position is different and pay is specific to each role.
Do you pay cash?
How soon can I expect to start working?
There is no specific time frame to start. Each role and candidate is different and therefore start dates will vary.
How often will I get paid?
We pay all of our staff on a weekly basis.
Do I have to have a car?
No. Having a car is not mandatory for all positions but definitely an asset.
What hours do you offer?
Depending on our clients’ needs, we offer full-time, part-time, days, evenings and nights.